Monday, February 1, 2010

Pump File How To Change The Path In Acrobat Reader So I Can Convert A File To Pdf?

How to change the path in Acrobat Reader so I can convert a file to Pdf? - pump file

He used an online program to construct a curve of the pump, and in this program that can convert the curve into a PDF file, but when I open a window and says I must change the path in preferences to my PDF. What does this mean?


jimponde... said...

In the program you must use it to (go under the assumption that the location of the "prefereneces') Edit, Preferences, the default routes.
Make sure that the default path is set at the appropriate place - somewhere has the right to register.

jimponde... said...

In the program you must use it to (go under the assumption that the location of the "prefereneces') Edit, Preferences, the default routes.
Make sure that the default path is set at the appropriate place - somewhere has the right to register.

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